Hours Walmart - Nelson, BC
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Walmart can be found in Chahko-Mika Mall at 1000 Lakeside Drive, within the north-east region of Nelson (not far from YRB Yard and Norman Stibbs Airfield). This store is a beneficial addition to the areas of Fairview, Rosemont, Downtown, Gyro, North Shore and Uphill. If you plan to drop by today (Thursday), its working times are 7:00 am until 9:00 pm. This page includes information for Walmart Nelson, BC, including the hours of business, store address info and contact number.
Walmart is situated in a convenient location near the intersection of Hall Street and Lakeside Drive, in Nelson, British Columbia, at Chahko-Mika Mall.
Found within a 1 minute drive from Hendryx Street, Josephine Street, Vernon Street and Cedar Street; a 3 minute drive from Front Street, Anderson Street or Ward Street; and a 9 minute drive from Highway 3A and Ymir Road.
Users of route planners should enter the following address when traveling to this location: 1000 Lakeside Drive, Nelson, BC V1L 5Z4.
Disembark at Lakeside at Poplar Street or Front Street at Poplar Street. Accessible via lines 2, 10, 72, 74 and 76.
By foot you might come across Nelson & District Community Complex, Lakeside Park, Nelson Soccer Quest, Nelson & District Youth Centre, Canada Post-Nelson, Nelson Fitness Centre and NDCC park.
At the moment, Walmart runs 1 location in Nelson, British Columbia.
For more Walmart visit this page with an entire index of branches near Nelson.
Please look in on the wide range of stores in Chahko-Mika Mall. Walmart Pharmacy, Walmart and other possibilities are also located in this same spot.
Related searches: Walmart Chahko-Mika Mall, Nelson, BC