Hours Walmart - Burlington South, Ontario
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Walmart is directly at 2065 Fairview Street, in the north-west region of Burlington (not far from Optimist Park and Burlington station). The store chiefly serves the customers in the areas of Mountain Gardens, Glenwood Park, Burlington Towers, Freeman, Maple, Cap REIT, Tyandaga Mews and Clarksdale. Business hours are from 8:00 am until 10:00 pm today (Sunday). On this page you may find all the beneficial information about Walmart Burlington South, Ontario, including the store hours, street address or contact number.
You can find Walmart close to the intersection of Fairview Street and Guelph Line, in Burlington, Ontario.
Only a 1 minute drive time from Maplewood Drive, Grahams Lane, Edinburgh Drive and Legion Road; a 3 minute drive from Alexander Graham Bell Parkway, Plains Road East or Exit 101 (Queen Elizabeth Way); or a 10 minute drive from Exit 101 (Alexander Graham Bell Parkway) and Highway 407 Etr.
Address for GPS devices - 2065 Fairview Street, Burlington, ON L7R 0B4.
Bus services run directly to Fairview. These lines stop here: 1, 2, 10, 12, 50, 52 and 87.
Frequent train services run to Burlington Station (371 m away).
On foot you might visit Leighland Park, Burlington Storage Barn, Ron Edwards Family YMCA, Central Park, Mapleview Mall and Roly Bird Park.
There is presently a total number of 2 Walmart branches open in Burlington.
For more Walmart visit this link with an entire directory of all branches near Burlington.
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