Hours Sobeys - Lewis Estates, Edmonton, AB
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Sobeys is located directly in West Henday Promenade at 1030 Webber Greens Drive Northwest, within the west region of Edmonton (nearby Edmonton Public Library - West Henday Promenade (Lewis Estates)). The store is proud to provide service to people within the locales of Secord, Suder Greens, Lewis Farms, Stewart Greens, Webber Greens, Lewis Farms Industrial, Potter Greens and Breckenridge Greens. Today (Monday), you can drop in from 12:00 am - 5:00 pm. Times, place of business address or email info for Sobeys Lewis Estates, Edmonton, AB can be found here.
Visit your local Sobeys branch near the intersection of 92A Avenue NW, Webber Greens Drive and Lewis Greens Drive, in Edmonton, Alberta, at West Henday Promenade.
Just a 1 minute drive time from 93A Avenue, 93 Avenue NW and 210 Street Nw; a 5 minute drive from Anthony Henday Drive, Stony Plain Road NW or Winterburn Road Nw; or a 11 minute drive from Whitemud Drive NW and Exit 19 (Anthony Henday Drive).
Those using route finder systems should use the following address: 1030 Webber Greens Drive Northwest, Edmonton, AB T5T 4K5.
The closest bus stops to the store are Suder Grn Drive & Wber Grn Dr-WB or Lewis Farms Transit Centre Bay East. The most convenient way to get here is by routes 100, 108, 115, 117, 119, 136, 315 or 333.
The store is a short walk to Suder Greens Park, Secord Park, Winterburn School, West Henday Promendade, West Meadows Baptist Church and Potter Greens Park.
Sobeys currently owns 11 stores in Edmonton, Alberta.
Visit the following link for a complete listing of Sobeys locations near Edmonton.
Don't forget to visit the wide assortment of quality stores at West Henday Promenade.
Related searches: Sobeys West Henday, Edmonton, AB; Sobeys Webber Greens, Edmonton, AB