Hours Scotiabank - Swift Current, SK
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Scotiabank is found in an ideal place at 280 Central Avenue North, in the north-west area of Swift Current (a few minutes walk from Plaza Shopping Centre and Memorial Park). The store serves patrons from the districts of Buffalo, Wheatland Trailer Park, Downtown Swift Current, Central Avenue Junction, Mount Pleasent, Irwin, Trail and Fairview. Today (Friday), it's open from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. Please review the sections on this page about Scotiabank Swift Current, SK, including the operating times, place of business address, telephone number and other info.
You'll find Scotiabank situated in a prime place in the vicinity of the intersection of Herbert Street West, Herbert Street East and Central Avenue North, in Swift Current, Saskatchewan.
Just a 1 minute trip from Sidney Street West, 1st Avenue Northwest or Chaplin Street East; a 4 minute drive from Elmwood Bridge, 6th Avenue Northeast or Trans-Canada Highway; or a 12 minute trip from Memorial Drive or North Service Road West.
The address for your route finder systems is 280 Central Avenue North, Swift Current, SK S9H 0L2.
If you're arriving by train, you'll be dropped at Leinan Train Stop Station (1.9 km away).
In walking distance, you can find Westend Park, Hamilton's Rock Park, Rotary Park, Westside Park, Lyric Theatre and Carmel Mall.
At present, Scotiabank owns 1 branch in Swift Current, Saskatchewan.
For a complete listing of Scotiabank branches near Swift Current, go to the following link.