Hours Safeway - Nelson, BC
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Safeway can be found at 211 Anderson St, in north-east Nelson (by Hume Elementary and Lakeside Park). The store is proud to provide service to people within the locales of North Shore, Rosemont, Fairview, Uphill, Downtown and Gyro. Doors are open today (Friday) from 7:00 am - 10:00 pm, for those who'd like to drop in. This page includes information for Safeway Nelson, BC, including the business hours, directions or product ranges.
Safeway is easily reached right near the intersection of Pine Street and Anderson Street, in Nelson, British Columbia.
The store is ideally positioned a 1 minute trip from Chatham Street, First Street, Front Street or Behnsen Street; a 3 minute drive from Highway 3A, Vernon Street and Nelson Avenue; or a 12 minute drive from Ward Street or Ymir Road.
For route finder systems please enter the address: 211 Anderson St, Nelson, BC V1L 3X8.
If traveling by bus, get off at 1st Street at Anderson Street, Behnsen Street at 2nd Street or Front Street at Poplar Street. Easily accessible along the routes: 2 and 10.
Other interesting places nearby are Gyro Park, Queen Elizabeth Park, Lakside Beach, Yrb Yard, Nelson & District Community Complex and Kootenay Lake Hospital.
At present, Safeway operates 1 store in Nelson, British Columbia.
Check out an entire directory of Safeway stores near Nelson.
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