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Marche Ami - Murdochville, QC

604, 4Eme RueMurdochvilleQC G0E 1W0
Today: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Hours Marche Ami - Murdochville, QC

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap

Marche Ami - Murdochville, QC - Hours & Store Details

Marche Ami can be found in an ideal position at 604, 4Eme Rue, within the west area of Murdochville (near Centre sportif de Murdochville and Murdochville High School). This store serves patrons chiefly from the neighborhood of Parc éolien de Mont-Miller. Today’s business times (Monday) are from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Store hours, place of business address details and direct number for Marche Ami Murdochville, QC can be found on this page.

Marche Ami is situated in an ideal spot immediately near the intersection of Avenue Miller and 4E Rue, in Murdochville, Quebec.

By car

Just a 1 minute drive from Avenue Wilfrid-Doucet, Avenue Des Curés-Allard or Avenue Gabriel-Bernard; a 3 minute drive from Route 198, Chemin De La Mine or Avenue Du Docteur-William-May.

For visitors planning on using GPS systems to get here use the following address: 604, 4Eme Rue, Murdochville, QC G0E 1W0.

By bus

Buses stop at Hôtel De Ville De Murdochville and Salle Communautaire.

On foot

There are other interesting places nearby, including Parc Lions.

Marche Ami runs 1 branch in Murdochville, Quebec.

Visit this page for the entire index of all Marche Ami branches near Murdochville.

Open: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm32.86km