Hours Dollarama - Stratford West Centre, ON
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Dollarama is found in an ideal location at 581 Huron Street Bldg #2, in the north-west area of Stratford (close to Matilda Street Playground and Bdc Commercial). This store serves the patrons of Anne Hathaway Residence, Nathan Court, Hamlet Estates, Old Grove Estates, Stratford, Lake Victoria and Banbury Cross Housing Co-Operative. Its business times for today (Tuesday) are from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Refer to this page for the specifics on Dollarama Stratford West Centre, ON, including the operating hours, store address details, direct phone and additional significant information.
Dollarama can be found in a convenient spot immediately near the intersection of O'loane Avenue and Huron Street, in Stratford, Ontario.
Simply a 1 minute drive from Hibernia Street, Franklin Drive, Matilda Street and Douglas Street; a 5 minute drive from Line 34 (Highway 8), Perth Line 32 and Ontario Street; or a 11 minute drive time from Erie Street and Lorne Avenue West.
Address for GPS systems - 581 Huron Street Bldg #2, Stratford, ON N5A 5T8.
Customers can take the train to Stratford Station (2.8 km away).
Nearby you'll discover St. Michael Catholic Secondary School, Avondale Cemetery, Stratford Education And Recreation Centre, Stratford Northwestern Secondary School, T.j. Dolan Nature Reserve and Avon School.
At the present, Dollarama has 3 locations in Stratford, Ontario.
Navigate to this page for a full list of all Dollarama stores near Stratford.