Canadian Tire is easily reached at 160 Hampton Road, within the north-east area of Rothesay (close to Rothesay Commerce Centre and Scribner Field). This store is glad to provide service to customers within the areas of Fairvale, Ritchie Lake and Stoneycroft. 8:00 am until 8:00 pm are its hours of operation today (Tuesday). Read the specifics on this page for Canadian Tire Rothesay, NB, including the store hours, address info, contact details and more.
Canadian Tire is conveniently found not far from the intersection of Hampton Road, Campbell Drive and Pettingill Road, in Rothesay, New Brunswick.
This store is found within a 1 minute drive from Chapel Road, Scribner Crescent, Lyden Drive or Donlyn Drive; a 5 minute drive from Marr Road, Mackay Highway or Millenium Drive; and a 8 minute drive time from Clark Road and Millwood Lane. If you are using GPS navigation devices use 160 Hampton Road, Rothesay, NB E2E 2R3.
This store is within easy walking distance to Arts and culture park, Fairvale Mall, Kennebecasis Valley Free Public Library, First Bible Baptist Church, Richie Lake Park and Kennebacasis Valley Skatepark.
At the present time, Canadian Tire runs 1 location in Rothesay, New Brunswick.
Visit this page for the full index of all Canadian Tire stores near Rothesay.